Do návštěvní knihy můžete napsat úplně všechno třeba o jakém zviřátku byste chtěli něco vědět..... :)
Váš zvířecí svět...
Přehled komentářů
Ahojky, děkuji za chválu mých stránek. Ty želvy na fotkách jsou moje. Mám čtyři samičky a dva samce. Jsou už dospělé, ale protože vyrůstaly v bytových podmínkách, mají krunýře jen tak do 20 cm. Kdyby měli více prostoru, asi by byly větší. Ale i tak pořád pomalu rostou... :-)
(malazoo, 3. 1. 2008 22:53)
Máš moc hezké stránky.
(, 10. 10. 2007 8:38)I was here to complain about something, and after I read the previous comments it seems that I'm not alone. I don't want to receive emails in Italian. Please give me back my English content. I already restored the website when it tried to set itself to Italian, but I can't set the emails language. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP.
(, 10. 10. 2007 8:38)But I thought Al Gore invented the internet ...
(, 10. 10. 2007 8:38)I thought that the WTO would be a good start for transforming the process of government at least across national borders. I quite like the idea of using the secretariat of the WTO as the centre for a Wikipedia of trade - a sort of open source world government at least for a very specific and complicated issue which needs many brains to provide a solution.
(, 10. 10. 2007 8:37)Control of information is hugely powerful. In the US, the threat is that companies control what I can access for commercial reasons. (In China, control is by the government for political reasons.) There is a very strong short-term incentive for a company to grab control of TV distribution over the Internet even though it is against the long-term interests of the industry.
(, 10. 10. 2007 8:37)I think it's an interesting feature...It gives more people the chance to get views having more featured areas. Im in the US, but I found more interesting videos to me, were featured on the UK homepage so I did have it set to that for a few days, but then I changed it back. I can see more of the 'language' aspect of the country feature to be more use to people in the long run though vs. the location specific featured videos.
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(malazoo, 12. 2. 2008 21:50)